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Feathered Friends: The Vibrant Birdlife of Lake Tyrrell

Updated: Jan 17

Lake Tyrrell is known for its vast open spaces and stunning reflections, but did you know that its also home to over 100 species of birds? No wonder birdwatching and bird photography are on the rise here!

So, what makes this such a great location for bird life?


Although it is not part of the third of Australia that is considered arid, the Wimmera-Mallee region is home to a number of bird species that typically live in arid environments. This semi-arid region is as far south (and as close to Melbourne) as you will typically find birds like the Mulga Parrot.


You may be wondering, with so few living trees and large shrubs at the lake’s edge, how would there be good habitat for bird diversity? Well, the answer is simple, saltbush! The edges and islands of Lake Tyrrell are covered in dense, diverse communities of saltbushes and samphires. These low, thick shrubs are a great home for adorable small birds like the White-Winged Fairy Wren and White-Fronted Chat.

Tyrrell Creek acts as a wildlife corridor through cleared farmland all the way to the lake, providing fresh water and other forms of habitat nearby.

Standing dead trees may also provide birds of prey a good perch from which they can watch potential prey. This prey could be invasive mammals like rabbits and mice or the abundant native small birds.

Photo by Rohan Mott

What birds will I see?

This is the most commonly recorded bird species at Lake Tyrrell, so you’re bound to see one if you head out with a pair of binoculars on a clear day.

This vibrant little bird has been recorded at Lake Tyrrell more than Noisy Miners and would be a fantastic find.

While smaller species like these are the most common and diverse here, there are still some amazing larger birds to see.

Red capped plover - "Reflections" by Aaron Stanley

If you’re lucky, you might just catch a glimpse Australia’s most iconic bird of prey here. But don't worry if you miss out on seeing this one, they aren't the only predatory bird you might find. Nankeen Kestrels, Little Eagles and Black-Shouldered Kites are among the other predatory species that frequent the area.

I never get bored of watching emus. These amazing creatures are the 2nd tallest and 5th heaviest birds in the world! A special but not all that uncommon find at Lake Tyrrell.

You're also sure to find some common medium-sized birds like magpies and seagulls.

So next time you visit Lake Tyrrell, grab your camera and a pair of binoculars and take the time to look for any little creatures that might be flitting between the saltbushes.

Photo by Rohan Mott 

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